Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Gorgeous Loaded Wagons at Bangil

"Naik kereta api tut-tut-tut, siapa hendak turut.. ke Bandung, Surabaya. Bolehlah naik dengan percuma, ayo temanku lekas naik.. keretaku tak berhenti lama....."

I bet all Indonesian knows this song very well, if not.. you might either pass your kindergarten or maybe have an unfortunate childhood (let's refer it those who live with their gadget instead of playing traditional games with their fellas!). Well, in short way.. let me send you here for recalling your memory about that song!

This lovely song indeed reflect to one of favorite public transportation in Indonesia, train. As the impact of the necessity, I, my self, as a part of the society believe that train is the best solution to transport me from one city to another. Well, I never count how much I go with the train, but I am pretty sure I have traveled to some cities in Java with this transportation. I have gone to Banyuwangi, Surabaya, Jakarta, Jogja, Sidoarjo and not to mention Malang as the city where I am currently studying for my undergraduate education to be traveled to, from my lovely hometown, Bangil. It is no doubt for PT. KAI as the official company of the train to give those services since they have a long and remarkable railways around Indonesia up to 6.000 kilometers. Awesome, isn't it? 

Hey, why do I bother to talk about it so sudden? Today, I have planned to go back to Bangil from Malang at 12 p.m. So what? I know it is common, but today it is a bit different. It was 10 o'clock when I received a text from my cousin that her train was delayed for about 3 hours because of the flood at Porong stasion. Well, I felt like suddenly getting strike in my head (headache attacked) thinking I would probably reach my hometown longer than I have ever did. 

a floody railways at Porong. source : @infosda
Arriving Kotabaru Station, I could see a lot of people, well passengers are hopeless sitting in the floor with a tired face, waiting the train's coming. Without bothering them, I came to the front desk to check my ticket while a passenger struck me informing about the delayed train which made a crowded station on this desolate Tuesday. It seems so crazy when I checked my watch at 11.40 a.m. while hearing a security answer the question from passengers of the delayed express train (a local business train from Surabaya to Malang and vice versa) which is scheduled to arrive at Kotabaru station at 09.50 a.m., still has no updated information when it would arrive. OMG, this  is incredibly freaking me out if I were them; you have to wait something, you have not known when it comes. So, how about the economic one I would ride to?

KA Express struck the flood at Porong.
source @malangkereta
Yet, A happy news was coming 10 minutes later when the security allowed all passengers of Penataran which is scheduled at 12 p.m. (my train!) to go inside the station. It even came sharply at 12, and went so fast without no problem. I thought the tragedy of flood was ended, and I felt so grateful wishing for a normal scheduled of arriving at my hometown. I even checked my watch continuously to see whether it was precise or late during the journey. When the train was slowly decrease the speed after passing Sukorejo station, I did wonder why it was so and.. surprisingly true, it is stopped at Wonokerto station. I really did not understand why it should be there to wait other train for passing trough as a matter of long period stopping at the station, since it was so rare considering Bangil station is one step more as the right place for doing so. Some passengers were going out to get some fresh air or even leave the train to ride angkot because they have known already it would not work to just wait the train reaching their destination as fast as they expected. I am not a bigot of the trains but indeed I am fond of them, so I would not become the followers of those hurried passengers. Well, I appreciated myself to be turned as very patient passenger during 1,5 hours after waiting the train stop working at Wonokerto station when it finally went straight to my hometown at 3 p.m. 

live-twitpic information
source: @infosda
Arriving Bangil station, I jumped out from the train, well.. yes of course after it was stopped perfectly in the third railways, I thought. As far as my eyes could reach when dropping myself from the train, I cannot see a way out from the station but a bunch of wagons fill the railways. I have no choices to pass the trains one by one, go in-and-out from one to another for reaching the first railways to meet the exit way. Thus, I passed one economic penataran, one executive train.. I thought it had been the last one to jump in-and-out, but I found out one local business express train had ceased in the first railways at Bangil station!! Naturally, the business express train would never been stopped at Bangil station, therefore I have just shocked and been speechless! At the same times, I realized I have just dropped out from the train in the fourth railways, the fourth one! Amazing to see bunch of wagons are stopping there! wow.. this is the first time I see almost all of the railways of Bangil station was used and filled with the trains. 

live-twitpic information from @malangkereta

source : @malangkereta

Behind those amazing unexpected event, I wish for a betterment to fix it up the railways at Porong station will be soon done, and there is no more messy scheduled train like this. I pretty much know people love train so much regarding the prize which is affordable and enough to be paid for the beautiful journey together with the train! Thank you, PT. KAI..

not a bigot of train, but a fond :*
5 february 2014

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