Sunday, November 7, 2021

Reviewing Some Books on Mental Health

Hi! It has been ages since I have last posted here. From now, I am going to post some books that I want to recommend, including where I have often bought them.

In this first post, I am going to talk about three books from Korean Literature published by Penerbit Haru. The books are two series of “I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokpokki” written by Baek Se-Hee and “Siapa yang Datang ke Pemakamanku Saat Aku Mati Nanti?” written by Kim Sang-hyun. The three books have a connected theme, so I put them together in one post.

Image Credit: Penerbit Haru via Shopee

The first two set books consist of the dialogues between a dysthymia patient and her psychiatrist. I found that the conversation is very human as both try to converse and understand each other flaws while growing together. Reading the two books have given me insight on mental health and how to understand the patient better. I am still half way to go with the second books, but the books have acted as a good friend and reflection of me so well. It helps me to comprehend my feeling and frustration that often comes with my ambivalences. Thus, reading these two books are healing my soul. Still, it is always better to talk to a psychiatrist or psychologist if the condition is more severe.

Image Credit: Penerbit Haru via Shopee

Meanwhile, the last book has more power of warming your heart. Despite the darker sense of the title, the book tells the beauty of life. It gives me a chance to look back what I have gotten so far, what I have cherished the most, and many things that I took it for granted during my life. Undeniably, life has put me in a continuous struggle that I have always asked myself: “Have I become a better version of me than the previous year?” I have kept putting myself in a standby position without loosening my will power up even for a while. As a result, I have become more worn out and kept getting anxious. Thus, the book feels like a reminder for me that it is not always wrong to take a step back and be grateful to have reached in whatever position I am right now. I feels like getting a big hug and pat in my head from my father as he said “You have done your best!” that I have already forgotten.

Since the books have given so much meaning for me after reading them, I would like to recommend it for everyone who might be in the need of such psychologically friendly book. It has no difficult terms, and the story flows naturally. At some part, it might feel a little bit preachy, but it is not bothersome. It is also a good companion for this pandemic period if you want to get away with any digital task that has worsen your eyesight and back.

Anyway, where do I bought them: Penerbit Haru via Shopee. You can use the following links to get them if you are interested 😊

#book #books #bookrecommendations #bookshopping #bukumotivasi #bukunonfiksi #bukuonline #shopee #ShopeeBigSale #shopeebook

Hi! I'm back with a reposted article from Facebook status
7 November 2021

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Merefleksikan Amarah

Credit Google
Ada kalanya saat kesal dan marah dengan seseorang, aku memilih diam. Diam hingga dingin kepalaku, lalu menyampaikan apa yang kukesalkan pada orang tersebut. Kadang mungkin terlupakan dengan sendiri (seringnya sih gitu). Mungkin cara ini cupu, boring dan terlihat bodoh. Tidak apa, ini adalah caraku.

Kadang sempat pula terpikir, enak juga ya kalo bisa langsung marah mengumpat. Namun, kuteringat pesan seorang sahabat yang mengatakan "jika kita bisa memberi tahu dan mengingatkan seseorang dengan cara baik-baik, kenapa harus dengan marah-marah dan menyakiti hatinya." Berat memang, kadang aku pun juga khilaf. Tiba-tiba ngomel dan marah. Tapi aku sangat sadar, kata-kata temanku ada benarnya. Kita tak pernah tahu apa yang terjadi dengan hidup orang hingga ia membuat kita jengkel. Lalu untuk apa, jika kepedulian kita untuk mengingatkannya, (yang dihaturkan dengan amarah) justru memunculkan kejengkelan lain dalam hati orang yang kita pedulikan? Sepertinya hanya akan memperburuk hubungan sesama saja.

Well, kadang aku sampai pula pada pernyataan "Lha sabar ada batasnya kali" lalu kuteringat respon ayahku kala dulu, "ya kalo sabar ada batasnya, berarti kamu masih kalah perang sama setannya. Sabar itu ga ada batasnya, sabar itu separuh dari iman" Jleb! Duh, lebih malu kalah sama setan daripada sama manusia!

Dulu aku adalah orang yang sedikit banyak suka marah-marah. Sekarang aku terus mencoba menguranginya. Kukira memang marah menghabiskan energiku saja, ketika aku bisa melakukannya dengan cara baik-baik.

Kadang aku masih sering di titik rendah, dimana aku sangat kesal hingga ingin marah dengan seseorang. Namun, selalu kucoba menahannya (jangan lupa istighfar) dan meneruskannya pada momen refleksi yang membantuku untuk meredam emosi. Beberapa orang bilang, ketidaksanggupanku marah sangat lucu, bikin iba, bikin kesal atau bahkan terlihat lemah dan bodoh. Hahaha sebal juga dikatain, siapa yang ga kesal dikatain kan? Tapi ya sudahlah, ini cara yang kupilih. Mungkin aku terkesan sebagai orang yang menghindari masalah dan bahkan terkesan membosankan. Gapapa, aku insyallah mencoba tidak peduli. Toh ya, kodrat manusia untuk khilaf melabeli pilihan hidup orang. Ini caraku, caraku untuk terus belajar memahami proses bersabar dan bersyukur menjalani hidup. Lagian, menjadi pemarah kayaknya udah mainstream ya, di masyarakat sekarang haha :p

Jika circleku tengah mendorongku untuk menjadi orang yang (tampak) kuat dengan cara menjadi pribadi yang ekspresif dalam marah-marah, anggaplah aku tengah diuji untuk mempertahankan apa yang telah ayah dan sahabatku ajarkan padaku. Mempertahankan apa yang kupercaya dalam menjalani hidup.
Aku pun tidak bermaksud mengatakan bahwa cara orang lain itu tidak lebih baik dariku. Semua orang punya caranya sendiri untuk menjalani hidup. Aku menghargainya, dan kuharap kalian juga menghargai pilihanku.

Terima kasih, sudah memberikanku pengalaman hidup yang berbeda di setiap detik yang kualami.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Passengers (2016): Must Watch or not?

I am not a kind of movie freak. Tapi abis nonton film ini, tiba-tiba aja kepo dengan rating dan komen dari beberapa situs film mulai imdb, rotten tomatoes sampe indowebster thread. Emang kenapa? Ternyata beberapa emang memperdebatkan film ini, whether it's good or not? Well, let's talk about this!

Pertama, mari membahas tentang ratingnya yang harus rela meluncur turun ke angka yang kritis. Why oh why? Kalo dari segi ceritanya, film ini nyeritain tentang orang-orang yang berusaha survive for the best future. Model-model film yang bikin penonton punya ekspektasi gedhe. Belum lagi, film-film sci-fi sebelumnya sering banget bikin penonton puas, kagum bahkan sampe nangis macem Armageddon, Deep Impact sampe Interstellar. Dengan ekspektasi yang gedhe ini, penonton Passengers disuguhin cerita romance sci-fi, yang kalo boleh dibilang mirip cerita film Titanic. Sebuah kisah romantis antara dua orang tokoh yang berusaha memperbaiki kapal karam setelah menabrak meteor dalam perjalanan menuju rumah kedua the homestead II. Walhasil, penonton kecewa.

Beberapa komen juga bilang kalo film ini:  it's good in a half beginning, but the rest is not. Hmm, kenapa ya? Ceritanya menarik dari awal, tapi begitu masuk ke climax, malah ga berasa. Ini karena konflik yang udah muncul sedari awal itu yang jadi climax, so predictable. Manalagi resolusinya juga ga greget, ga ada semacam twisted story atau sesuatu yang bikin penonton masih penasaran untuk tetep nonton sampe akhir. Jadilah berasa monoton nontonnya. Walau ada dua permasalahan yang dihadirkan (konflik kapal bermasalah yang muncul dari awal dan konflik pria kesepian), jawabannya itu bisa ditebak di tengah-tengah cerita.

Tapi kalo ditilik lagi dari komen penontonnya, ada juga yang bilang film ini punya bad moral value karena konflik tentang egoistic decision dari tokoh pria yang saking desperatenya buat hidup sendirian di kapal, akhirnya memilih membangunkan salah seorang penumpang cewek yang bikin dia jatuh cinta. Well, menurutku malah justru poin masalah ini yang bisa bikin film Passengers dapet rating lebih bagus. Sayangnya, poin masalah ini kurang dielaborasi lebih dalam. Kisah tentang seorang pria yang akhirnya harus hidup sendirian, like literally sendirian bikin film ini punya poin bagus buat menerangkan nilai filosofis tentang kehidupan manusia. Siapa sih yang ga putus asa dan desperate kalo hidup sendirian? (it's me! I feel attached coz I feel the same way hahaha). Film ini kayak menegaskan kalo nyatanya manusia emang makhluk sosial toh ya? Mau hidup mewah berkecukupan, kalo sendirian dan cuma ngomong sama robot ya bikin stress juga. Ada banyak nilai-nilai filosofis yang bertebaran dalam film ini, kayak nilai tentang kemanusiaan, tentang pilihan hidup dan tentang standar kebahagian. Makanya, harusnya sih masih layak buat dapet 2 bintang. Yah, walaupun emang endingnya ga diperjelas lagi tentang cerita kehidupan tokoh setelah memilih hidup bersama. Mungkin emang film ini cuma fokus ke masalah kapal karamnya. Jadi pas masalahnya kelar, blarr buyar ceritanya. Pokok dua tokohnya berakhir bersama dan bahagia, selesai.

Poin bagusnya lagi, film ini punya visual effect tentang space adventurenya yang terbilang incredibly wonderful. Belum lagi, aktor dan aktrisnya yang good-looking. 1 bintang lagi buat film ini deh, ya walau kadang pas nonton masih sering merasa ngeliat J-Law yang meranin Aurora Lane sebagai Katniss Everdeen yang tangguh, apalagi pas nangis sambil teriak-teriak 🙊✌️ 

Overall, film ini masih must-watch untuk yang suka romance, but not that must-watch bagi pecinta sci-fi movie. Here it is, mengakhiri tulisan ini, I give 3 stars for Passengers! Happy watching!


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Writing Non-sense: Can I go back?

There you go..
After million times I've not visited this blog, suddenly I miss to write. 

What should I write?
I don't know

What do I think then?
I'm... not clear, though

Sometimes, I think too much.... Sometimes, I feel too much....
Sometimes, I miss too much.... Sometimes, I hurt too much....
Sometimes, I am afraid too much.... Sometimes, I pretend too much.... 
Sometimes, I act to be okay too much.... and it feels so tired.

I forget how to get relax and enjoy my life
I keep being busy how to forget the bad things and take my own remedy to refresh my mind
I feel exhausted to expect and fantasize
I keep pretending to be strong in struggling and achieving more as the hope to be seen
Yet, good thing is never on me.

it's always about I... and I... and I
Yeah, right!
because I don't know how to deal with the word you
because everything seems so wrong about me when it's next to you
because nothing related to me can't be righteous to you

Why should I blame you?
I... don't think so. 

I blame surrounded
I blame time and place
I blame fate
They form an ally of traitor between I and You

So, what the hell I do now? 
Seems like writing nonsense about I and You like a puberty adolescent...

Well, it might be true.. and I don't care though.
I've gone too far
I've forgotten the old good times
I've burned the happiest life
I've been left by everyone
and I've the last thought I can do...
the only best way to get sobbed and relieved in the same time, indeed writing.

Can I go back?
*backsound taylor swift - back to december* 
(I know it's not match with the heart of the song, but who cares?)

in the mood of writing non-sense
Surabaya,18 June 2016 - 23:08

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sebuah Kejutan Kecil

Selama satu minggu ini, Allah SWT tengah memberiku sebuah kejutan kecil yang hingga kini tak kuketahui maknanya. Mungkin memang terlalu sepele dan lebay, tapi tidak ada salahnya berpikir positif bukan? masih kuyakini, ada maksud dibalik pertemuan beruntun yang tidak sengaja ini. sebuah pertemuan singkat nan menggelitikku untuk menulis tentangnya, tentang seorang teman dengan ceritanya yang kusimpan secara unik dalam memoriku. Pertemuan yang akhirnya sedikit mengusik tabir kenanganku dikala SMA, moment yang hampir 6 tahun telah berlalu itu. Lho Apa hubungannya?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Black Hole

there is a day, when I know you for just only a mouthy-story
this mouthy-story gives me a blur portrayal, so I don't pay much attention

the following days, the mouthy-story transfers as a movie
that is the day when I see you as a complete representation of human being
it doesn't mean anything, since there is no word comes out between us

the next dimension times and places gives us a chance to say 'hello'
well, it seems like our first time we know each other names, and yes talk
the day when I start studying your personality as new friend

though, I forget how we undergo the calendar one by one
I surely know I don't really pay attention about you
as far as I can remember, subjecting you as a complete stranger of my life

I never know your intention, indeed
when your messages are coming continuously, with a bit weird question sometimes
but then, I thought it is only a kind of business you want me to do for you
well, being busy is worth me for not thinking how strange your approachment

In other way, it seems like I get a trouble dealing with my personality 
I feel so wrong whenever giving no to your question and invitation
I get the uncomfortability feeling which finally lead me to care about your presence

precious time gives so much probability of chances to work out
hey, none can handle when all dimensions become an ally, but the three alphabets, A-C-T
and how could I do when the A-C-T also chooses to merge to be their ally?

oh I do miss my busy times
the times when I cannot notice your peculiar act
because I am afraid it makes me fall... and throw me too deep 
into a black hole

guys, certain action is taken because there are some reasons behind it! >.<
16 Januari 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

It is January

It is January... 
when the rain visits.. 
not too often, but not too rare.

It is January... 
when the cloud seems so dark..
not too often, but almost everyday.

It is January... 
when all human's story has just begun.. 
not too gloomy, but not too fabulous

It is January...
when the hope flies..
not so high, but not that low.

It is January...
when your day comes up..
not too precise, but not that random.

It is January...
when I miss you...
not smaller than everyday, but bigger than I can remember

It is January...
when I dream about you...
not in all my sleeps, but more often.

It is January...
when I always question your existence...
not that often, but a piece can hurt much.

It is January...
when you conquer me all day...
since it began, till the day moves to February.

It is January...
when you haunt me...
not to kill me, but make me suffer of dying.

It is January...
I don't know, how many January I have passed without you...

It is January...
I.. would never know when I can stop sobbing about you...

Yeah, it is January...
I... would never know when I can enjoy my life without you...

It is January...
when I wish I can get a life...

Hey January... 
when the dimension never meets us...
it is not about maps, I am just a faith believer. 

don't bother to think the way out
it simply is God's hand.

15 Januari 2015