After million times I've not visited this blog, suddenly I miss to write.
What should I write?
I don't know
What do I think then?
I'm... not clear, though
Sometimes, I think too much.... Sometimes, I feel too much....
Sometimes, I miss too much.... Sometimes, I hurt too much....
Sometimes, I am afraid too much.... Sometimes, I pretend too much....
Sometimes, I act to be okay too much.... and it feels so tired.
I forget how to get relax and enjoy my life
I keep being busy how to forget the bad things and take my own remedy to refresh my mind
I feel exhausted to expect and fantasize
I keep pretending to be strong in struggling and achieving more as the hope to be seen
Yet, good thing is never on me.
it's always about I... and I... and I
Yeah, right!
because I don't know how to deal with the word you
because everything seems so wrong about me when it's next to you
because nothing related to me can't be righteous to you
Why should I blame you?
I... don't think so.
I blame surrounded
I blame time and place
I blame fate
They form an ally of traitor between I and You
So, what the hell I do now?
Seems like writing nonsense about I and You like a puberty adolescent...
Well, it might be true.. and I don't care though.
I've gone too far
I've forgotten the old good times
I've burned the happiest life
I've been left by everyone
and I've the last thought I can do...
the only best way to get sobbed and relieved in the same time, indeed writing.
Can I go back?
*backsound taylor swift - back to december*
(I know it's not match with the heart of the song, but who cares?)
in the mood of writing non-sense
Surabaya,18 June 2016 - 23:08